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No. 1 - Gone Fishing

Let's skip the formalities of me introducing myself and what this blog series will entail, because I wouldn't want you to make presumptions or paint myself into a creative corner. All that I can say is that the weekends allow for me to share my thoughts and have some fun...

***I apologize in advance for any colorful language, long-winded tangents, grammatical errors, or entries that veer off from business as usual.***

...Anyway, we don't have time for that crap when there's a whole WEEKEND to conquer! I'll keep it short for those of you lacing up your running shoes, packing up the car for a beach day, making plans with your girlfriends for a fun night, or settling in to the nap you've been waiting for since last weekend.

What can you do this weekend to help you prepare physically and/or emotionally for the next week? How can we make the most of the short time we have between Friday and the dreaded Monday?

The answer to this and other bullshit "how-to" questions has been thrown our haphazardly, assuming that the way each individual person takes a little R&R isn't an intimate affair. The truth is that each person reading this blog will have a different response to the following question :

"What helps you most to be at ease?"

There is no right or wrong answer (besides substance abuse and other felonious hobbies, lol) and I'm not here to draw up a play-by-play game plan for you. What I do hope we can achieve is a better sense of self, a will to explore new opportunities, and a desire to make more of our lives at work and at home.

For me, work is a passion project. Every day I wake up with a sense of purpose and a drive to help as many people as possible through my products, services, or friendship. But as much as I love what I do for pay, it varies wildly from what I like to do for play.

When the weekend rolls around or when my work is done, the things that put me most at ease are creative outlets. These can range from the blog you're reading, playing music, painting, videography/photography, etc. Plus, authentic creativity serves me two clear positives :

  1. Emotional growth & stability

  2. Better creativity and marketing at work

So again, what helps YOU to be most at ease? Be it exercise, happy hour, catching up on sleep, quality time with friends and loved ones, or your own creative outlet, make sure you are taking care of you this weekend. As entrepreneurs, business professionals, or just contributing adults, we should all give serious thought to what we do when we aren't being serious.

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Oh yea! Bike rides are always a good time, too!

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